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Term of Consent

Consent form

This form is being completed and will be sent and made available to Fictor Group or its partner companies, which are involved in the service process, due to the sending of your personal and contact data for questions or contact.

The information collected is necessary for the identification of the applicant, returning contact or financial operations. The data may also be used to send communications, promotions and events. You may at any time request the revocation of this authorization by contacting the Data Controller.

This process aims to comply with law 13,709, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of August 14, 2018, which provides for the processing of personal data, including those in digital media, by a natural person or by a legal entity of public or private law, in order to protect the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person.

Click here to access the form.