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Integrated Management System policy

Fictor Group, in continuous search for innovation and growth, recognizes the challenges and opportunities of sustainable management. Our policy represents the solid commitment to the integration of ethical, social and environmental principles.

Our commitments:


Conservar o meio ambiente e prevenir a poluição, adotando práticas para identificar, monitorar e mitigar de forma contínua nossos impactos ambientais. Promover o uso sustentável de recursos e medir nossas emissões de gases de efeito estufa.


Dedicate to creating a safe, healthy and welcoming work environment, promoting equitable opportunities for the professional development of its collaborators.

We support communities with a focus on actions towards education and sustainable development.


Strengthen operational quality and efficiency through continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System – IMS, ensuring customer satisfaction, generating profit and supporting the continuous growth of the organization.

Our commitments go beyond compliance with legal requirements, standards and regulations. We work to position Fictor Group as a transformative agent of change, adopting business models aligned with ESG. We aim for a future in which economic prosperity coexists harmoniously with respect for the environment, social well-being and effective corporate governance.